Tag: Move

Organized After A Move

Tips To Unpack, Stay Organized After A Move

So you have finally moved into the house of your dreams. What next? Once your belongings are unloaded, you must figure out how to get organized after a move. This includes unpacking and organizing all of that stuff! Of course, this whole process can be a little too overwhelming. But Austin maid service has some organizing tips that might come in handy. Tips for Organizing a Move Before moving in, make sure the new home is completely spruced up to welcome its new members. This includes wiping down shelves, countertops, cabinets, and floors. The bathroom and kitchen should be completely clean and smell good. Once you have stepped into your new home, it’s time to unbox the essentials first. Forget everything else and unpack the essentials box that carries important stuff that you cannot do without. Little steps first Of course, you want to organize your new home right away. After all, it is your dream house and you wish to start enjoying your stay quickly. But it can be quite messy initially. If you try to start by organizing all rooms together, you may end up making no significant progress at the end of the day. So what next? Well, you must start with one room first and unpack your stuff accordingly. For a family of small kids, you may start with unpacking the nursery. Try to maintain a sense of normalcy so kids do not find moving overwhelming. Setup their rooms first and you can easily create a safe haven for them, where they can play and rest while you organize the rest of the space. After the kid’s room, you can start with the kitchen and your bedroom. Other rooms can still wait. Give rooms a purpose In order to stay organized after a move, the next step is to plan how to store your belongings. In this regard, you can assign different purposes for each room, including the pantry, basement, garage, hallway, and bathroom. Now start unpacking things and assign everything a new home. Start with larger items Bulky stuff takes up a lot of space. So start with arranging larger items. You do not want to hit a bed or dressing table every now and trip and fall. Move dining tables, beds, dressers, and solid pieces of furniture to their respective rooms. This should clear up space and make you feel a little relaxed. It’s absolutely fine to delay organizing the smaller stuff. Take some rest and then unpack smaller items, including books, clothes, utensils, and accessories. Install all larger kitchen appliances first. This includes the fridge, dishwasher, stove, food processor, washer, and dryer. Tackle the kitchen When looking for tips to organize home after a move, your priority should be to unpack the kitchen stuff. What is the most essential cookware? What else is most commonly used in the kitchen? You want to organize the essentials first. Organize those in easily accessible drawers. This includes pots and pans, coffee mugs, cereal bowls, and plates. Keep all dishwashing soaps and sponges handy. Do not forget the kitchen cleaning supplies as well. Unpack remaining rooms Once your most important rooms are in order, it’s time to organize the remaining space. Tackle one room at a time and then move to the next. It is a good idea to keep the task of organizing storage areas for last. Since home organizing after the move is a huge task that may take days, this will ensure you have a clean uncluttered space for dining and resting. The storage space can still wait. Don’t forget the entryway Organize this space once you are done with the cleaning aspect of all major rooms. If you continue to ignore this area, it might turn into a complete mess with a pile of stuff that you have been delaying organizing. So when you wish to get organized after a move, place a small basket by the door. This should collect all of the mail that reaches your new home. Bring some hooks to organize items that can be easily lost. This includes keys and dog leashes.  When installing hooks at the entryway, keep a few points for coats, jackets, and umbrellas. You don’t want this type of stuff to crowd your chairs and sofas. Place a shoe rack at the entryway. You do not want any viruses to enter your new abode with shoes, right? In these coronavirus times, it becomes even more important to drop your shoes at the door. Place a rug or mat at the entryway to avoid bringing dirt, snow, and slush into your abode. These tips for organizing after a move can make life a little easier for you and your family. You can always rely on dependable professional services for the job if the task seems a little overwhelming. Read Also: 10 Steps to Move in Your New House Moving home checklist: What you need to know Factors To Consider While Preparing For A Move


10 Things to Do Before You Move Out of State

Relocating to a new state can be a lot of things—crazy, exciting, and stressful, to name a few. The good news is that with a little intentionality, you can mold your move into a positive, enjoyable life transition. Here are ten tips to consider before you pack your bags. 1. Make a bucket list: Life is busy. Chances are, there are places to see, food to eat, and things to do in your current state that you never got around to seeing, eating, or doing. Make a bucket list of a few of the things you think you’d regret if you moved away without experiencing. And then, make plans to make it happen. 2. Plan to say goodbye: Moving is stressful, and it can be easy to get up in the frenzy of your to-do list. But, to have a healthy sense of closure and positive feelings when you look back on a period in your life, it’s essential to make an effort to wrap things up well. And, relationships are the most crucial piece of the wrap-up puzzle. In addition to great friends, you’ve developed relationships with all kinds of others—e.g., your neighbors, your children’s teachers, and your yoga instructor. Make a list of these folks, and plan to say goodbye. A handwritten note might suit your style, or perhaps you’d prefer to throw a colossal bbq and invite everyone. Whatever feels right to you is the best way to say goodbye and honor the people who have played a part in your experience. 3. Make a list of wrap-up logistics: The best way to get your head around a million moving logistics is to make a good old-fashioned list. There are a million moving checklists online to get you started. Then, you can open a notebook or your laptop and make your custom list. We recommend a master task list with deadlines to keep you on track toward your big move. 4. Make moving arrangements: When are you leaving? Where are you going? How will you get your stuff there? These seem like obvious questions, but we recommend sitting down and thinking through every detail. Once you have your plan on paper (or screen), the actual moving will feel much less daunting. 5. Clutter clear: Moving states is not just a geographical location change; it’s a significant life transition. And, an excellent opportunity to assess the stuff you have and decide what you want to keep and what to leave behind. A good question to ask yourself when you look at an item in your house is, “Do I want to carry this into the future? Or, do I want to leave it in the past.” If your answer is yes to the former, pack it up. If it’s yes to the latter, donate it before you go. 6. Plan to make some changes: In addition to this time being an excellent opportunity to clutter clear your physical space, it’s also a time to make any necessary changes to your lifestyle. Think about any bad habits you want to “leave behind” and new ones that you want to have with you when you arrive at your new home. Relocating to a new state is a rare fresh start. It can give you an opportunity to reinvent yourself, and if you want to make the change even more seriously, you could even change your name. If you're relocating to California, there are services that allow you to legally change your name with no problems. However, you should do research on the laws of your state before undergoing this kind of process. 7. Learn about your soon-to-be new home: It can be fun to start learning about your new city early, so you can hit the ground running when you arrive. Think about what’s most important to your lifestyle and virtually explore the offerings near your new home. Whether you’re typing the words “Brisbane best butcher” or “hot yoga in Denver” into the search bar, you’ll be on your way to finding cool new spots to frequent in your new digs. 8. Make a new bucket list: Earlier, we mentioned that many of us get busy and forget to partake in all the unique experiences offered by a particular city or state. Avoid that by starting your bucket list early! Every time you get a restaurant suggestion or learn about a historical landmark that’s a must-visit, write it down! Then, you can refer back and never feel short of cool things to do. 9. Experience the honeymoon: Much like with new relationships, many of us experience a “honeymoon” period when we move to a new place. The possibilities are endless, and the future is bright. New experiences are making new chemicals flow, and you feel good. Plan to take advantage of this good energy and explore your surroundings. You’ll be setting a beautiful foundation for your time in your new city. 10. Remember to enjoy the ride: Above all, enjoy! Moving out of state marks an exciting time in your life—take full advantage of it. Read Also: The Five Most Important Things To Know Before Moving Make Your Vacation Less Stressful With The Following Tricks The Ultimate Moving Checklist – Things You Need To Do When Moving